Cancer Grads

Marking the Milestones

Marking the Milestones

"Even though I know the long-term survival rates for my particular type of breast cancer are good and my post-surgical pathology showed a “complete response” to the chemotherapy, cancer patients are generally not considered to be in complete remission until at least 5 years have passed since the end of treatment without recurrence. So, my journey with breast cancer is not coming to an end, as much as I would like to say that it is."

Tomato, Peach and Corn Salad

Tomato, Peach and Corn Salad

"Lately I've been trying to take advantage of the summer season's abundance of fresh fruits and veggies. In an effort to "double down" on the things that I can control regarding my health, cooking and prepping my own food has become a top priority. I've been researching some easy, fast, healthy recipes and pulling out some ol' standards for prepping in my kitchen. Losing the chemo and steroid weight that I gained during my treatment has been a slow, tenuous process but I am determined to be patient and focus on healthy living, starting with what I choose to feed myself."

I Finally Found a Pretty Bra for My Rebuilt Boobs

I Finally Found a Pretty Bra for My Rebuilt Boobs

"Breast cancer is hard. Buying a new bra for your post-cancer body shouldn’t be. Even though I don’t have to wear a bra at all, it’s nice to know that, finally, I can wear a pretty bra that fits if I want to."

Financial Aid Options for Mounting Cancer Student Loan Debt

Financial Aid Options for Mounting Cancer Student Loan Debt

A cancer diagnosis is shocking on its own and in that moment the thoughts of treatment are running through your mind. But what is not going through your mind at that time is the cost of those treatments and where to get financial help when it's so desperately needed.

World Ovarian Cancer Day, 2017

World Ovarian Cancer Day, 2017

Today is World Ovarian Cancer Day- Learn the signs and symptoms for early detection. It saved my life, and may save yours or another woman's life from the "silent killer"!