Ovarian Cancer- Learn the Signs and Symptoms!
Today is #WorldOvarianCancerDay, and I want you to learn the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. Learning the signs may save a woman's life from the disease that's known as the "silent killer". There are no tests to detect ovarian cancer, and catching it in the early stages is crucial for survival. Spread the knowledge and awareness far and wide!
-45% of women with ovarian cancer are likely to survive for five years compared to 89% of women with breast cancer
-Ovarian cancer is often diagnosed in late stages
-Diagnosis in early stages vastly improves a woman's chances for survival
-Only about 15% of all ovarian cancer cases are diagnosed in early stages
Signs and Symptoms:
-Persistent bloat (see photo below)
-Abdominal, pelvic, or lower back pain
-Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
-Suddenly urgent/ frequent urination
-Increased abdominal girth
-"pencil poop"
Most at Risk:
-All women are at risk
-Women with a family history of ovarian or breast cancer
-Women who are genetically predisposed (BRCA, Lynch Syndrome, etc)
-Women who have not had children
-Women who have not taken the birth control pill
-Women who have had endometriosis
This is what a bloated abdomen from ovarian cancer looks like- this photo was taken the night before my diagnosis and surgery in which my gyn-onc removed a tumor the size of a grapefruit and a tumor the size of a volleyball. I looked pregnant.
For more info about ovarian cancer, please visit these wonderful organizations! And check out our yearbook section to read more about women who have graduated from this difficult course!