Breast Cancer Grad- Renee
Name: Renee Payton
Age at Enrollment: 49
Type/Stage of Cancer: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 1, Grade 3, Estrogen+, Herceptin +, node negative.
What were the primary symptoms you experienced prior to diagnosis? None
What symptom(s) lead you to go to the doctor? Annual Mammogram, no family history.
Courses Completed: Left Side Lumpectomy, Chemo: carboplatin, taxotere, herceptin, Radiation, oral Tamoxifen.
Any helpful (tangible) tips or tricks you discovered for dealing with your symptoms and/or cancer? Stay hydrated, restorative yoga and meditation are so important during treatment. Self-care has to become your priority and is a full-time job during treatment. Stay in the moment, no negative “what if” it is wasted energy.
How did your family and friends respond? Shock as we had no family history. Lots of support, love and prayers.
How did/do you find joy during this experience? Let Go, Let God. Look around you and really look and listen stay in the moment. Remember that many others are going through “something” in their life too.
Did you learn anything about yourself? If so, what was it? I learned that I am not in control of ANYTHING but I can control my reaction. I allow myself to grieve, have a bad day but then get back up.